I think I have some fundamental misunderstanding of how the Qt signal/slot mechanism works.
I have worked through example programs and they make sense but when I've tried to take those and modify them I have been getting results I do not understand. I have attach a code sample below that is a boiled-down version of what I was trying to do that certainly does not do what I want it to. Am I misusing the signal/slot mechanism and or the QString
class? Is the way I am using the signal/slot to modify things in a coupled fashion creating an infinite loop? Any help greatly appreciated.
// test.cpp
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDialog>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QString>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
class myDialog : public QDialog
myDialog() : a_( new QLineEdit ), b_( new QLineEdit )
QVBoxLayout* layout( new QVBoxLayout( this ) );
layout->addWidget( a_ );
layout->addWidget( b_ );
connect( a_, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ),
this, SLOT( aChanged( const QString& ) ) );
connect( b_, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ),
this, SLOT( bChanged( const QString& ) ) );
QLineEdit* a_;
QLineEdit* b_;
private slots:
void aChanged( const QString& qs );
void bChanged( const QString& qs );
#include "test.moc"
void myDialog::aChanged( const QString& qs )
b_->setText( QString::number( 2.0 * qs.toDouble() ) );
void myDialog::bChanged( const QString& qs )
a_->setText( QString::number( 3.3 * qs.toDouble() ) );
int main( int argc, char** argv )
QApplication a( argc, argv );
myDialog d;
return a.exec();
Because In aChanged, you edit the b QLineEdit, it triggers the textChanged() signal for b...causing it to call bChanged, changing a..... etc. etc.
I think that is your problem here.
You might want to use textEdited() in stead.