Hi I'm trying to figure out a way to debug inside Nuclide inspector not with iOS/Android emulator but with an actual device. The project is a React Native based on Expo.
I'm on Windows 64 bits (this is important for you to know).
I currently have it working outside Atom/Nuclide with the common Remote Debug JS (common Chrome tab with Devtools open) and even I've made it with React Native Debugger (https://github.com/jhen0409/react-native-debugger).
I'd like to avoid having to add "debugger;" anytime I want to check the code and instead using breakpoints inside Atom and all that stuff.
Any ideas?
Just for the record, and some years later.
Some days after this question, I totally abandoned Nuclide and went with VSCode, which totally rocks. It's the only thing I can recommend to anyone.
I've even posted an article explaining the experience that made me choose that IDE over Atom/Nuclide here.