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How to "continue" in a loop in smalltalk

I have following code where I want to 'continue' if i is less than 5:

1 to: 10 do: [ :i |
    i < 5 ifTrue: [ continue ].
    'Square of i = ', (i * i) printNl.

'continue' in above code is obviously not working. I know that exit can be used to break out of a loop. But how to continue? Thanks for your help.


  • In your case you can simply use ifFalse::

    1 to: 10 do: [ :i |
        i < 5 ifTrue: [ 
            "Any code you need"
        ] ifFalse: [ 'Square of i = ', (i * i) printNl ].

    The following code will probably work only in Pharo. (it will not work in GNU Smalltalk, in Smalltalk/X it could work if you use correct modulo. The % returns complex number):

        1 to: 10 do: [ :i |
            [ :continue |
                i % 5 = 0 ifTrue: [ 
                    Transcript show: i; cr.
                    continue value ].
                    show: i;
                    show: ', '.     
            ] valueWithExit.

    The valueWithExit the implementation in Pharo:

          self value: [ ^nil ]

    The meaning:

    The receiver must be block of one argument. When it is evaluated and is passed a block, when a value message is send will exit the receiver block (returning nil in Pharo).