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Overriding the Equals and GetHashCode of a type, which has 'dibs'?

This question and Jon's answer made me aware this even existed, so I got curious and launched Visual Studio.

I followed along one example of the MSDN page, and then I created my own little example. It's as follows:

public class Person : IEquatable<Person>
    public string IdNumber { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public bool Equals(Person otherPerson)
        if (IdNumber == otherPerson.IdNumber)
            return true;
            return false;

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj == null) 
            return base.Equals(obj);

        if (!(obj is Person))
            throw new InvalidCastException("The Object isn't of Type Person.");
            return Equals(obj as Person);

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return IdNumber.GetHashCode();

    public static bool operator ==(Person person1, Person person2)
        return person1.Equals(person2);

    public static bool operator !=(Person person1, Person person2)
        return (!person1.Equals(person2));

So I have a couple of questions:

  1. If the Equals method does a good job at handling my custom equality, why do I have to override the GetHashCode method as well?

  2. When comparing something like below, which comparer is used, the Equals or the GetHashCode?


static void Main(string[] args)
    Person sergio = new Person() { IdNumber = "1", Name = "Sergio" };
    Person lucille = new Person() { IdNumber = "2", Name = "Lucille" };

    List<Person> people = new List<Person>(){

    Person lucille2 = new Person() { IdNumber = "2", Name = "Lucille" };
    if (people.Contains(lucille2))
        Console.WriteLine("Already exists.");

  1. What exactly do the operator method do? It looks like some sort of voodoo black magic going on there.


  • If the Equals method does a good job at handling my custom equality, why do I have to override the GetHashCode method as well?

    This allows your type to be used in collections that work via hashing, such as being the key in a Dictionary<T, U>, or storing in a HashSet<T>.

    When comparing something like below, which comparer is used, the Equals or the GetHashCode?

    GetHashCode is not used for comparisons - only for hashing operations. Equals is always used.

    What exactly do the operator method do? It looks like some sort of voodoo black magic going on there.

    This allows you to directly use == on two instances of your type. Without this, you'll be comparing by reference if your type is a class, not by the values within your type.