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Word highlighting in Flash using ActionScript 3.0

I'm making a text editor using Flash professional CS4 and actionscript 3.0

It's nearly finished, I only need to add a function that highlights some "tags" like "[NAME]" and "[AGE]" (by changing its color) whenever they are written.

I'm using a textField, not a TextArea component.This is the code i'm using, but it doesn't work as planned.

taMain.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, checkTags);
function checkTags(e):void{
    var tempFormat:TextFormat = taMain.getTextFormat(taMain.selectionBeginIndex - 1, taMain.selectionEndIndex);
    var splitText:Array = taMain.text.split(" ");
    for (var i = 0; i < splitText.lenght; i++) {
        switch (splitText[i]) {
            case "[NAME]":
                tempFormat.color = (0xff0000);
            case "[AGE]":
                tempFormat.color = (0x0000ff);
                tempFormat.color = (0x000000);
        taMain.setTextFormat(tempFormat, taMain.text.indexOf(splitText[i]), taMain.text.indexOf(splitText[i]) + splitText[i].length );

This code works only the first time the tag is used, but it doesn't change the color if tag is used again.

Any ideas? any other function i could use?

Thanks in advance.


  • taMain.text.indexOf(splitText[i]) will always find the first occurrence of the word, like the first "[NAME]", and set the text format on that first occurrence, even if the for-loop is at another occurrence of "[NAME]".

    indexOf() takes a second optional parameter, for an index to start from, so you could keep track of where in the text you currently are, by doing something like this:

    var tempFormat:TextFormat = taMain.getTextFormat(taMain.selectionBeginIndex - 1, taMain.selectionEndIndex);
    var splitText:Array = taMain.text.split(" ");
    var startIndex:Number = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < splitText.length; i++) {
        switch (splitText[i]) {
            case "[NAME]":
                tempFormat.color = (0xff0000);
            case "[AGE]":
                tempFormat.color = (0x0000ff);
                tempFormat.color = (0x000000);
        taMain.setTextFormat(tempFormat, taMain.text.indexOf(splitText[i], startIndex), taMain.text.indexOf(splitText[i], startIndex) + splitText[i].length );
        startIndex = taMain.text.indexOf(splitText[i], startIndex) + splitText[i].length;

    But I don't think that splitting on space, like in var splitText:Array = taMain.text.split(" "), is a good way to find words in general text. What if [AGE] is the last word of a line, with a line break after it, or there's a comma after [NAME], like in "Hello [NAME], how are you"? The code above would miss those occurrences.