I want to find files in a directory, then split the pathname and print each part of path on a separate line:
(Directory working: '.')
allFilesMatching: '*.st' do: [ :ff | (ff name)
findTokens: '/' "Linux separator"
"splitOn: '/' -this also does not work"
do: [ :i|
i displayNl ]]
However it is giving following error:
$ gst firstline.st
"Global garbage collection... done"
Object: '/home/abcd/firstline.st' error: did not understand #findTokens:do:
MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>signal (ExcHandling.st:254)
String(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #findTokens:do: (SysExcept.st:1448)
optimized [] in UndefinedObject>>executeStatements (firstline.st:3)
[] in Kernel.RecursiveFileWrapper(FilePath)>>filesMatching:do: (FilePath.st:903)
[] in Kernel.RecursiveFileWrapper>>namesDo:prefixLength: (VFS.st:378)
[] in File>>namesDo: (File.st:589)
BlockClosure>>ensure: (BlkClosure.st:268)
File>>namesDo: (File.st:586)
Kernel.RecursiveFileWrapper>>namesDo:prefixLength: (VFS.st:373)
Kernel.RecursiveFileWrapper>>namesDo: (VFS.st:396)
Kernel.RecursiveFileWrapper(FilePath)>>filesMatching:do: (FilePath.st:902)
File(FilePath)>>allFilesMatching:do: (FilePath.st:775)
Directory class>>allFilesMatching:do: (Directory.st:225)
UndefinedObject>>executeStatements (firstline.st:2)
The error message is really long and complex!
Both findTokens
and splitOn
are not working.
Where is the problem and how can this be solved.
The message maybe long but the line says the reason:
Object: '/home/abcd/firstline.st' error: did not understand #findTokens:do
You probably want to use a split differently, probably using subStrings: $character
. I just tried it on GNU Smalltalk windows version:
The command:
'C:\prg_sdk\GNU Smalltalk(x86)\share\smalltalk\unsupported\torture.st' subStrings: $\
The result:
OrderedCollection ('C:' 'prg_sdk' 'GNU Smalltalk(x86)' 'share' 'smalltalk' 'unsupported' 'torture.st' )
Where you get your path when you have it in the collection. You start either from beginning or end.
For example you can start from beginning like this:
resultPath := nil.
pathCollection := 'C:\prg_sdk\GNU Smalltalk(x86)\share\smalltalk\unsupported\torture.st' subStrings: $\.
pathCollection do: [ :eachPartPath |
resultPath := (resultPath isNil) ifTrue: [
] ifFalse: [
resultPath, '\', eachPartPath
resultPath displayNl