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Why file path string is not splitting

I want to find files in a directory, then split the pathname and print each part of path on a separate line:

(Directory working: '.')
allFilesMatching: '*.st' do: [ :ff | (ff name)
    findTokens: '/'     "Linux separator"
    "splitOn: '/'        -this also does not work"   
    do: [ :i|
        i displayNl ]]

However it is giving following error:

$ gst 
"Global garbage collection... done"
Object: '/home/abcd/' error: did not understand #findTokens:do:
MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>signal (
String(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #findTokens:do: (
optimized [] in UndefinedObject>>executeStatements (
[] in Kernel.RecursiveFileWrapper(FilePath)>>filesMatching:do: (
[] in Kernel.RecursiveFileWrapper>>namesDo:prefixLength: (
[] in File>>namesDo: (
BlockClosure>>ensure: (
File>>namesDo: (
Kernel.RecursiveFileWrapper>>namesDo:prefixLength: (
Kernel.RecursiveFileWrapper>>namesDo: (
Kernel.RecursiveFileWrapper(FilePath)>>filesMatching:do: (
File(FilePath)>>allFilesMatching:do: (
Directory class>>allFilesMatching:do: (
UndefinedObject>>executeStatements (

The error message is really long and complex!

Both findTokens and splitOn are not working.

Where is the problem and how can this be solved.


  • The message maybe long but the line says the reason:

    Object: '/home/abcd/' error: did not understand #findTokens:do

    You probably want to use a split differently, probably using subStrings: $character. I just tried it on GNU Smalltalk windows version:

    The command:

    'C:\prg_sdk\GNU Smalltalk(x86)\share\smalltalk\unsupported\' subStrings: $\

    The result:

    OrderedCollection ('C:' 'prg_sdk' 'GNU Smalltalk(x86)' 'share' 'smalltalk' 'unsupported' '' )

    Where you get your path when you have it in the collection. You start either from beginning or end.

    For example you can start from beginning like this:

    resultPath := nil.
    pathCollection := 'C:\prg_sdk\GNU Smalltalk(x86)\share\smalltalk\unsupported\' subStrings: $\.
    pathCollection do: [ :eachPartPath |
         resultPath := (resultPath isNil) ifTrue: [
        ] ifFalse: [
            resultPath, '\', eachPartPath
        resultPath displayNl