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Recursively remove elements from nested array if key exists in blacklisted array

I want to be able to remove elements from the multidimensional array by key

Example of such an array can be:

    [data] => Array
            [todo] => code review
            [schedule] => Array
                    [endDate] => 2019-05-10T00:00:00+01:00
                    [startDate] => 2019-05-09T00:00:00+01:00

            [codeDetails] => Array
                    [language] => PHP
                    [type] => class
                    [abstract] => true
                    [methodCount] => Array
                            [public] => 3
                            [protected] =>
                            [private] => 1

                    [LOC] => 123
                    [cyclomaticComplexity] => 4
                    [author] => Array (
                            [name] => Lukasz
                            [email] =>


I have two methods, recursiveArrayDelete removes any elements where the callback returns true:

private function recursiveArrayDelete(array &$array, callable $callback): array
    foreach ($array as $key => &$value) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
            $value = $this->recursiveArrayDelete($value, $callback);
        if ($callback($value, $key)) {

    return $array;

Second, removes properties all included in restrictedProperties from the array:

private function sanitizedArray(array &$array, array &$restrictedProperties): array
    foreach ($restrictedProperties as $restrictedProperty) {
             static function () use ($array, $restrictedProperty): bool {
                    static function ($value, $key) use (&$bool, $restrictedProperty) {
                         // here $bool is as expected from condition
                         $bool = $key === $restrictedProperty;
                  // here is always false
                 return $bool; 

    return $array;

Example of usage:

$this->sanitizedResponse($data, ['methodCount', `endDate`]);

Should remove these elements from array. But as I mentioned in commenrt sanitizedArray where return $bool; always result in false.


  • @dWinder's answer is almost perfect. But when I played around with it a bit more I noticed that it would not delete an array under a given "restricted property".

    Let us assume that all "D"-elements were to be removed:

    dWinder's solution would result in:

        [A] => aa
        [B] => Array
                [A] => aaa
                [B] => bb
        [C] => cc
        [D] => Array
                [E] => ee

    The array under "D" is still there. But when you switch the if condition and action with that of the else if you get the (assumed!) desired result:

        [A] => aa
        [B] => Array
                [A] => aaa
                [B] => bb
        [C] => cc

    So, the improved function code should look something like this (I am quoting parts of @dWinder's solution here):

    $arr = array("A" => "aa", "B" => ["A" => "aaa", "B" => "bb"], "C" => "cc", "D" => ["E" =>"ee"]);
    function array_filter_recursive(array &$array, callable $callback) {
        foreach ($array as $key => &$value) {
            if ($callback($key, $value))   unset($array[$key]);
            else if (is_array($value))     array_filter_recursive($value, $callback);
    function sanitizedArray(&$arr, $restrictedProperties) {
        foreach($restrictedProperties as $prop) {
            array_filter_recursive($arr, function($k, $v) use ($prop) {return $prop == $k;});
    sanitizedArray($arr, ["D"]);

    See here for a demo: