today I was taking a closer look at the quaternion calculation used in the "RosInertialUnit.cpp" file as part of the default ROS controller.
I wanted to try out the InterialUnit using the "keyboard_teleop.wbt" - world and added the sensor to the Pioneer robot.
I was then comparing the robot's rotation values given in the scene tree (in axis + angle format) with the output of the sensor in ROS (orientation converterd to a quaternion). You can see both in the screenshots below:
In my mind the quaternion output doesn't match the values given in the scene tree. When using MATLAB's function "quat = axang2quat(axang)" I would obtain the following for the example above:
quat = 0.7936 0.0131 -0.6082 0.0104 % w x y z
which when comparing with the ROS message shows that y and z are switched. I'm not quite sure if this is on purpose (maybe a different convention?). I didn't want to start a pull request right away but wanted to discuss the issue here before.
I was testing the following implementation in a changed version of "RosInertialUnit.cpp", which gives me the expected results (same results as calculated in MATLAB).
double halfRoll = mInertialUnit->getRollPitchYaw()[0] * 0.5; // turning around x
double halfPitch = mInertialUnit->getRollPitchYaw()[2] * 0.5; // turning around y
double halfYaw = mInertialUnit->getRollPitchYaw()[1] * 0.5; // turning around z
double cosYaw = cos(halfYaw);
double sinYaw = sin(halfYaw);
double cosPitch = cos(halfPitch);
double sinPitch = sin(halfPitch);
double cosRoll = cos(halfRoll);
double sinRoll = sin(halfRoll);
value.orientation.x = cosYaw * cosPitch * sinRoll - sinYaw * sinPitch * cosRoll;
value.orientation.y = sinYaw * cosPitch * sinRoll + cosYaw * sinPitch * cosRoll;
value.orientation.z = sinYaw * cosPitch * cosRoll - cosYaw * sinPitch * sinRoll;
value.orientation.w = cosYaw * cosPitch * cosRoll + sinYaw * sinPitch * sinRoll;
This is the same implementation as used in this wikipedia article.
This inversion is due to the fact that Webots and ROS coordinate systems are not equivalent.
In Webots:
Which leads to: (
In ROS: (
Which leads to: (
As you can see the roll and pitch axes are switched, this is why they are switched in the code too.