I'm implementing Google analytics for my ionic 3 app, i have followed the following link https://www.freakyjolly.com/add-google-analytics-in-ionic-3-application-using-cordova-and-ionic-native-plugin/
Everything is smooth for android but for ios,google tracker is responding but resulting null.
.then(() => {}).catch(e => alert('Error starting GoogleAnalytics == '+ e));
I have used this code inside my component ts file, and added a alert for .then()
when i checked in device its giving null for the result and i cant see any active users in analytics dashboard.
I Don't know what wrong here, but always i'm checking for the alert response. as i said its always returning 'null' so i thought its not working properly....but ios returning as null for successful connection and i'm able to see the activity in google analytics dashboard