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Flutter Web not displaying Material Design Icons

I started Flutter web and i wanted to add Material icons to my Flutter web app but its displaying boxes instead.

enter image description here

Any help is appreciated. Thanks


  • From flutter_web repository:

    Note: a reference to MaterialIcons is intentionally omitted because the corresponding font is not included in this source.

    If you add MaterialIcons-Extended.ttf to this directory, you can update FontManifest.json as follows:

        "family": "MaterialIcons",
        "fonts": [
            "asset": "MaterialIcons-Extended.ttf"
        "family": "GoogleSans",
        "fonts": [
            "asset": "GoogleSans-Regular.ttf"
        "family": "GalleryIcons",
        "fonts": [
            "asset": "GalleryIcons.ttf"


    Download MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf here, put it inside your assets folder and update your FontManifest.json accordingly.