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how to compute the proportion of words by day in quanteda?

Consider this simple example

tibble(text = c('a grande latte with soy milk',
                'black coffee no room',
                'latte is a latte',
                'coke, diet coke'),
       myday = c(ymd('2018-01-01','2018-01-01','2018-01-03','2018-01-03'))) %>% 
  corpus() %>% 
  tokens() %>% 
Document-feature matrix of: 4 documents, 14 features (71.4% sparse).
4 x 14 sparse Matrix of class "dfm"
docs    a grande latte with soy milk black coffee no room is coke , diet
  text1 1      1     1    1   1    1     0      0  0    0  0    0 0    0
  text2 0      0     0    0   0    0     1      1  1    1  0    0 0    0
  text3 1      0     2    0   0    0     0      0  0    0  1    0 0    0
  text4 0      0     0    0   0    0     0      0  0    0  0    2 1    1

I am interested in getting the proportion of the word coffee, aggregated by day.

That is, for day 2018-01-01 we can see that there are 10 words (a grande latte with soy milk black coffee no room) and coffee is mentioned only once. So the proportion is 1/10. Same reasoning for the other days.

How can I do that in quanteda? Of course, the idea is to avoid materializing the sparse matrix into a dense matrix.



  • This is easy and part of the core quanteda design decision to pass through your docvars from the corpus object to "downstream" objects such as a dfm. You can solve this using dfm_group() by the myday docvar and then weighting.

    First, to make your example fully reproducible, and to assign your dfm object a name:

    ## Package version: 1.4.3
    dfmat <- tibble(
      text = c(
        "a grande latte with soy milk",
        "black coffee no room",
        "latte is a latte",
        "coke, diet coke"
      myday = c(ymd("2018-01-01", "2018-01-01", "2018-01-03", "2018-01-03"))
    ) %>%
      corpus() %>%
      tokens() %>%

    Now it's just two operations to get your desired result.

    dfmat2 <- dfm_group(dfmat, groups = "myday") %>%
      dfm_weight(scheme = "prop")
    ## Document-feature matrix of: 2 documents, 14 features (42.9% sparse).
    ## 2 x 14 sparse Matrix of class "dfm"
    ##             features
    ## docs             a grande latte with soy milk black coffee  no room    is
    ##   2018-01-01 0.100    0.1  0.10  0.1 0.1  0.1   0.1    0.1 0.1  0.1 0    
    ##   2018-01-03 0.125    0    0.25  0   0    0     0      0   0    0   0.125
    ##             features
    ## docs         coke     ,  diet
    ##   2018-01-01 0    0     0    
    ##   2018-01-03 0.25 0.125 0.125
    dfmat2[, "coffee"]
    ## Document-feature matrix of: 2 documents, 1 feature (50.0% sparse).
    ## 2 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dfm"
    ##             features
    ## docs         coffee
    ##   2018-01-01    0.1
    ##   2018-01-03    0