I'm building a little browser app using android webview and I've been using window.getSelection()
in javascript to get the nature of any text selected by the user and show a custom context menu based on the type of the selection i.e. whether it's a range, a carat, whether it's in a contenteditable etc.
This works fine unless the selection is in an iframe, then the browser security measures kick in and prevent me sniffing what has been selected using window.getSelection()
. How can I workaround this?
Ideally I need a way to get better information about what was selected from the webview or if that's not possible I need a way to sniff whether the selection occurred in an iframe so I can disable my custom context menu logic and fallback to the default android context menu.
Seems I wasn't clear enough in my initial description...
My goal is to have a visually and functionally custom menu when selecting content in the webview that can cut/copy/paste as the standard context menu does in any part of the page/iframes etc. e.g.
I realised my original approach using javascript to detect the type of selection and to perform the cut/copy/paste was wrong because it will be blocked by cross origin security in iframes.
What I need is a native android/webview based approach. I've discovered that I can sniff the type of selection in the webview by looking at the items in mode.getMenu()
on onActionModeStarted
. This will allow me to show the correct buttons in my custom menu UI but I have been unable to manually trigger the same logic that gets called when cut/copy/paste is clicked. I thought I found the solution with webView.performAccessibilityAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CUT, null);
but this doesn't work for some reason so I guess my question really is how can I manually trigger cut/copy/paste on the selected text from webview without using javascript? or any other approach that will allow me to have a custom selection menu with lots of options based on what was selected without hitting the browser security limitations?
Okay I figured out how roughly how to do this.
Step 1) In your activity, override onActionModeStarted
and check the menu items available in the default context menu. This gives you a clue as to what the type of selection is and which buttons you will need to show in your custom menu. Also it gives you a reference to the item ID which you can use to later to trigger the action e.g.
systemSelectionMenu = mode.getMenu(); // keep a reference to the menu
MenuItem copyItem = systemSelectionMenu.getItem(0); // fetch any menu items you want
copyActionId = copyItem.getItemId(); // store reference to each item you want to manually trigger
Step 2) Instead of clearing the menu, use setVisible()
to hide each menu item you want a custom button for e.g.
Step 3) In your custom button onclick event you can trigger the copy action using:
myActivity.systemSelectionMenu.performIdentifierAction(myActivity.copyActionId, 0)