I was just reading Apfelmus' excellent introduction to Finger Trees for the second time and started to wonder about his implementation of head:
import Prelude hiding (head)
data Tree v a = Leaf v a
| Branch v (Tree v a) (Tree v a)
toList :: Tree v a -> [a]
toList (Leaf _ a) = [a]
toList (Branch _ x y) = toList x ++ toList y
head :: Tree v a -> a
head (Leaf _ a) = a
head (Branch _ x _) = head x
As implementing functions in terms of one another is a quite nice way of reusing code, it got me thinking if the following implementation would be as efficient (complexity wise) as his original:
import Prelude -- not needed, just for making it obvious
data Tree v a = Leaf v a
| Branch v (Tree v a) (Tree v a) deriving Show
toList :: Tree v a -> [a]
toList (Leaf _ a) = [a]
toList (Branch _ x y) = toList x ++ toList y
head' :: Tree v a -> a
head' = head . toList
Is lazy evaluation as efficient as the original implementation?
Yes, head
and head'
should have the same time complexity if handed to GHC. I would expect a small constant-factor difference in favor of head
(maybe 60% confident of this -- the list fusion optimization stuff is pretty wild when it works).