In the Rest Webservice Command, I don't see any option to pass a variable in the URI.
We do not want to hard the end point in the script.
As an e.g I will want the script to use different points for dev/stage and prod.
Is there a work around for this.
On building a URI with variables like : https://$v_hostname$/test-rs-v1/employee/data send request works fine but bot runs we get an error stating :
Hostname could not be parsed.
Update: That was a bug and fixed on version 11.3.1. You can only achieve that on version 11.3.1 or later.
Workaround for older versions (If you have experience with C#): Build and test DLLs
The following applies only on version 11.3.1 and later.
Make sure that $v_hostname$ contains a value at the run time, using debugging option or message box command.
I did reproduce the same error by entering a variable that doesn't exist or doesn't have a value, there is no another scenario would reproduce "Hostname could not be parsed".
If the hostname/URL is invalid you will get "The remote name could not be resolved:".
I've tested the REST Web Service command on both community and enterprise editions, and it's working very well.