I am newly trying out TDD with laravel, and I want to assert if a redirect took a user to a url that has an integer param. I wonder if I could use regex to catch all positive integers.
I'm running this app with the laravel 5.8 framework and I know that the url parameter is 1 because I refresh the database each for each test, so setting the redirect url as /projects/1
works but this sort of hardcoding feels weird.
I've attached a block of code I tried using regex for but this doesn't work
/** @test */
public function a_user_can_create_projects()
// $this->withoutExceptionHandling();
//If i am logged in
$this->signIn(); // A helper fxn in the model
//If i hit the create url, i get a page there
// Assumming the form is ready, if i get the form data
$attributes = [
'title' => $this->faker->sentence,
'description' => $this->faker->paragraph
//If we submit the form data, check that we get redirected to the projects path
//$this->post('/projects', $attributes)->assertRedirect('/projects/1');// Currently working
$this->post('/projects', $attributes)->assertRedirect('/^projects/\d+');
// check that the database has the data we just submitted
$this->assertDatabaseHas('projects', $attributes);
// Check that we the title of the project gets rendered on the projects page
I expected the test to treat the argument in assertRedirect('/^projects/\d+');
as regex and then pass for any url like /projects/1
so far it ends in a number, but it takes it as a raw string and expects a url of /^projects/\d+
I'd appreciate any help.
After watching a tutorial by Jeffery Way, he talked about handling this issue. Here's how he solves the situation
//If we submit the form data,
$response = $this->post('/projects', $attributes);
//Get the project we just created
$project = \App\Project::where($attributes)->first();
// Check that we get redirected to the project's path