I am trying to write an SQL/XML query in Oracle SQL Developer to update a certain row in the database table. The database has the following structure,
the attribute "Translations" is of XML type. For example i have the book with Title "Encore une fois" and OriginalLanguage "French" and ID "11". This book has 2 Editions as following 1:
ID "17", Year "1997", Price "120", Book "11"
Translations: <Translations>
<Translation Language="English" Price="120"/>
<Translation Language="Russian" Price="110"/>
the second edition is:
ID "18", Year "2001", Price "150", Book "11"
Translations: <Translations>
<Translation Language="English" Publisher="Pels And Jafs" Price="180"/>
<Translation Language="Russian" Price="140"/>
I want to insert a new "Translation" node in the second edition. I mean i want to add the row that says
<Translation Language="Norwegian" Publisher="KLC" Price="200"/>
I wrote the following Query
SET Translations = XMLQUERY('copy $res := $t
modify insert node element Translation {attribute Language {"Norwegian"}, attribute Publisher {"KLC"}, attribute Price {200}}
as last into $res/Translations
return $res'
WHERE Edition.Book in (SELECT ID FROM BOOKDB.Book WHERE Title = 'Encore une fois')
but i get 2 rows updated instead of one because it is placed in both editions which is wrong. How do i input the row in the second edition only?
It looks like you've gotten the hard part done already - you just need to add a condition to your UPDATE statement which specifies a single row in EDITION instead of two rows. I'd recommend testing your WHERE clause with a SELECT statement to make sure you're getting exactly the rows you want, e.g.
WHERE Edition.Book in (SELECT ID FROM BOOKDB.Book WHERE Title = 'Encore une fois')
This returns the 2 rows you're currently updating, right?
So right after
WHERE Edition.Book in (SELECT ID FROM BOOKDB.Book WHERE Title = 'Encore une fois')
you could add
AND Edition.ID = '18'
, or you could add
AND Edition.Year = '2001'
If you want a more general-purpose solution to always update the most recent edition, you could do a subquery to make sure you're selecting the latest edition:
AND not exists (select 1 from BOOKDB.Edition e
where e.Book = Edition.Book
and e.Year > Edition.Year)
Once you have a WHERE clause that picks the rows you want, add it back to your UPDATE statement:
SET Translations = XMLQUERY('copy $res := $t
modify insert node element Translation {attribute Language {"Norwegian"}, attribute Publisher {"KLC"}, attribute Price {200}}
as last into $res/Translations
return $res'
WHERE Edition.Book in (SELECT ID FROM BOOKDB.Book WHERE Title = 'Encore une fois')
AND Edition.ID = '18'