I'm trying to run a migration in a Phoenix application, but Postgrex returns the following error:
null value in column "inserted_at" violates not-null constraint
The query that generated that error is:
execute "INSERT INTO contract_groups
(SELECT c.id, fg.group_id FROM contracts c, folder_groups fg
WHERE c.folder_id = fg.folder_id)"
I tried updating the query to this:
execute "INSERT INTO contract_groups
(contract_id, group_id, inserted_at)
VALUES ((SELECT c.id, fg.group_id FROM contracts c, folder_groups fg
WHERE c.folder_id = fg.folder_id), NOW())"
but I get another error saying subquery must return only one column
This is the rough definition of the tables.
insert into contract_groups (contract_id, group_id, inserted_at)
select c.id, fg.group_id, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
from contracts c
inner join folder_groups fg
on fg.folder_id = c.folder_id
Note, this relies on the columns selected matching the order of the columns in statement
As per comment, try:
insert into contract_groups (contract_id, group_id, inserted_at)
select distinct c.id, -- distinct added to prevent duplicates
from contracts c
inner join folder_groups fg
on fg.folder_id = c.folder_id
where not exists ( -- exclude any combos that are in the target table
select 1
from contract_groups cg
where cg.contract_id = c.id
and fg.froup_id = cg.group_id