When compare and change a character of a string to another character, it is not change last character.
But when i change cx to 12 is working but it is stuck infinite loop
.model small
.stack 64
dizi1 db 'bilgisayai'
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
lea di,dizi1
mov cx,10
mov al,'i'
mov bl,'#'
ara: repne scasb
jnz cik
mov [di-1],bl
loop ara
cik: mov ah,4ch
int 21h
i want to change 'i's in the string to '#' but last 'i' doesn't change.
==> "Not found"'bilgisayai'
When scasb
finds the 1st 'i', CX
is 8 and the loop
instruction will decrement down to 7, but continues fine. However for scasb
your string is now 1 character shorter!
'bi ... lgisaya'
When scasb
finds the 2nd 'i', CX
is 4 and the loop
instruction will decrement down to 3, but continues fine. However for scasb
your string is again 1 character shorter!
'bi ... lgi ... say'
will process a further 3 bytes, no longer finds an 'i' and the program exits.
==> "Infinite loop"'bilgisayai??'
When scasb
finds the 1st 'i', CX
is 10 and the loop
instruction will decrement down to 9, but continues fine. However for scasb
your string is now 1 character shorter!
'bi ... lgisayai?'
When scasb
finds the 2nd 'i', CX
is 6 and the loop
instruction will decrement down to 5, but continues fine. However for scasb
your string is again 1 character shorter!
'bi ... lgi ... sayai'
When scasb
finds the 3rd 'i', CX
is 0 and the loop
instruction will decrement down to 65535 , and continues 'forever'.
Replace loop
by next code:
lea di, dizi1
mov cx, 10 ;Length of the string (true length!)
mov al, 'i'
mov bl, '#'
repne scasb
jnz cik
mov [di-1], bl
test cx, cx ;If CX=0 then SCASB was at end of string
jnz ara