I am analysing #angtunaynalalake or #AngTunayNaLalake - a tweet that is famous in the Philippines. I run the following code but there are 0 results. I tried the same code using other famous #s like #MeToo or as #rstats and the code was successful. I tried using 'lalake' instead of '#angtunaynalalake' and again the code was successful.
I was able to get results for #angtunaynalalake when I use twitteR. I want to use rtweet because it can give more search results than twitteR.
Why do you think this happens?
app = "my_twitter_research_app",
consumer_key = "xxxx",
consumer_secret = "xxxx",
access_token = "xxxx",
access_secret = "xxxx")
> rt <- search_tweets(
+ "#angtunaynalalake", n = 25000, retryonratelimit = TRUE
+ )
Searching for tweets... This may take a few seconds... Finished collecting tweets!
> rt
data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows '''
This is an issue with the twitter API and not with the rtweet package.
See this quote from the twitter API page.
"Keep in mind that the search index has a 7-day limit. In other words, no tweets will be found for a date older than one week."
The most recent tweet to #angtunaynalalake seems to have been in January 2019, therefore the standard twitter API won't find any tweets.
If you need to access tweets older than 7-days, consider the twitter API pricing plans.