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Is it possible to see dateTime for file history in GitKraken?

I using GitKraken as Git client. Here I see that, in file history it shows 1 hour ago, yesterday, 4 days ago,etc. Is there a way that I can see date time instead? I can see that in sourceTree.

GitKraken: enter image description here

SourceTree: enter image description here


  • Is there a way that I can see date time instead?

    tl;dr: No, since it does not fit GitKrakens slim visual approach.

    There is no feature to switch to absolute times, as far as I know. And it wouldn't really meet the purpose here: in SourceTree, you have a list (more like a table) of commits, each with id, author, message and time stamp shown.

    GitKraken, following a more visual approach, focuses on the graph and the commit messages, but groups the commits in the graph by time period. There would be no point in showing a concrete date, since it would only show the date for a single commit, but not group commits by time periods. It would have to be shown for every commit separately, leading to a more table-like view, as it is in SourceTree.

    In your example, You would have four timestamps cluttering your graphical repository view instead of a single 3 hours ago, roughly pinning down when the four commits where created.

    You can, of course, click a commit in the graph to view its details in the top right, also showing author and commit date times.