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PostgreSQL left join lateral output in all cases

CREATE TABLE public.temp (
    a text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    b text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    c text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    d text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    e numeric,
    pkey bigint NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT pkey_temp PRIMARY KEY (pkey) )

INSERT INTO public.temp(a, b, c, d, e, pkey)    VALUES

I want to duplicate some rows that match some conditions as per the below :

from public.temp
    left join lateral 
        unnest(array[-e,e]) as the_value
        on b = 'some_value'

For b = 'some_value', I would like to duplicate rows with one outputting e, the other -e; and for b = "other_value", want to output e.

The query above gives null when b is not 'some_value'. I understand that it is the expected behaviour but how do I output something in all cases ?

Currently I get :

"some_value"    "-3276"
"some_value"    "3276"
"some_value"    "-3360"
"some_value"    "3360"
"some_value"    "-62"
"some_value"    "62"
"some_value"    "-1833"
"some_value"    "1833"
"some_value"    "-3936"
"some_value"    "3936"
"some_value"    "-3416"
"some_value"    "3416"

And I would like to see :

"some_value"    "-3276"
"some_value"    "3276"
"some_value"    "-3360"
"some_value"    "3360"
"some_value"    "-62"
"some_value"    "62"
"some_value"    "-1833"
"some_value"    "1833"
"some_value"    "-3936"
"some_value"    "3936"
"some_value"    "-3416"
"some_value"    "3416"
"other_value"   "2754"
"other_value"   "462"
"other_value"   "63"
"other_value"   "59"
"other_value"   "920"
"other_value"   "2528"
"other_value"   "224"


  • you can simply do that :

      select b,unnest(CASE WHEN b='some_value' then array[-e,e] else array[e] end)  from public.temp

    That's return the expected result