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How to write named scope for sub queries in Active Record Rails

I am trying get unique records from a table based on category column.This query gives those unique records which has been tested on MYSQL. But I wanna know how to write the same thing in Rails as named scope. Can anyone let me know how to write scope for the following query in Rails 5 application:

SELECT * FROM t where id = (select min(id) from t t2 where t2.category = t.category);


  • I had a same implementation, hope you can get help.


    class Category < ApplicationRecord
      has_many :category_details


    class CategoryDetail < ApplicationRecord
      belongs_to :category
       scope :get_first_category_vise_details, -> {order(:category_id).group_by(&:category_id).map{|cat_detail_group| cat_detail_group.last.first} }
    select * from categories;
    | id | name |
    |  1 | abc  |
    |  2 | xyz  |
    select * from category_details;
    | id | category_id | description |
    |  1 |           1 | test        |
    |  2 |           1 | test1       |
    |  3 |           1 | test2       |
    |  4 |           2 | test        |
    |  5 |           2 | testabc     |
    [#<CategoryDetail id: 1, category_id: 1, description: "test">, #<CategoryDetail id: 4, category_id: 2, description: "test">]