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Addition of Custom button in Kendo Grid using Kendotoolbar and kendo toolbar button

I'm setting up a page with kendo grid, which contains kendotoolbar and kendo toolbar button, all I need to generate custom buttons which helps to generate excel report, mailing, etc. The problem is kendo grid and kendo toolbars are working separately , but not together in below code(only kendo grid is visible). Used ng add @progress/kendo-angular-toolbar for the addition of the toolbar


<kendo-grid [data]="records"
            (selectionChange)="gridUserSelectionChange(gridUser, $event)"
            <kendo-grid-command-column title="command" width="200">
                <ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate>
                    <button mat-button kendoGridEditCommand><mat-icon >edit</mat-icon></button>
                    <button mat-button kendoGridRemoveCommand><mat-icon >delete</mat-icon></button>
            *ngFor="let column of columns"
            field={{column}} title="{{column}}" ></kendo-grid-column> 
                <kendo-toolbar-button [text]="'Edit'"


  • The Above Code is working , after i added the command of the installation of toolbar ng add @progress/kendo-angular-toolbar; Please Refer the link: enter link description here for more info. Thanks