I like to integrate the cache with my effects. but getting no result. the way i do may not correct.
any one correct me to fix the issue.
here is my code:
constructor(private courseService:CourseService, private actions:Actions,
private store:Store<StateSetupConfig>){}
EffLoadCourse = this.actions.pipe(
(action, courses) => {
console.log('courses ::', courses)//getting logged,
return courses
//but each time backend call initiated!!?
mergeMap((action:LoadCourse) => this.courseService.getCourse().pipe(
map((courses:ModelCourse[]) => (new LoadCourseSuccess(courses))),
catchError(err => of(new LoadCourseFail(err)))
the problem is, eventhough i back to the current page, I am getting backend call instead of supplying from store. where is wrong? what condition has to be added here?
Thanks in advance.
I come up with following solution: it works for me!!
EffLoadCourse = this.actions.pipe(
this.store.pipe(select(subscribes.getCourses)), //getting it from store
(action:LoadCourse, courses: ModelCourse[]) => courses
mergeMap((courses:ModelCourse[]) => {
return of(courses).pipe(
map((courses:ModelCourse[]) => (new LoadCourseSuccess(courses))),
catchError(err => of(new LoadCourseFail(err)))
return this.courseService.getCourse().pipe(
map((courses:ModelCourse[]) => (new LoadCourseSuccess(courses))),
catchError(err => of(new LoadCourseFail(err)))