I'm transforming my data from long to wide. Part of the data are dates. My problem is that I would like to have other colnames. It is formed like eg variable_1-1 and I want 1-1_variable.
SN specimen_isolate_no isolaat materiaal_lokatie alarmniveau afnamedatum
1: 2 1-1 STAPEP Bloedkweek Bloed 0 2017-04-30
2: 3 1-1 KLEBOX Bloedkweek 0 2018-12-30
3: 3 2-1 KLEBOX Bloedkweek 0 2018-12-31
I tried dcast from data.table:
df.wide <- dcast(df, SN ~ specimen_isolate_no, value.var = c("materiaal_lokatie","afnamedatum", "isolaat", "alarmniveau" ))
Which give me the following result:
[1] "SN" "materiaal_lokatie_1-1" "materiaal_lokatie_2-1"
"afnamedatum_1-1" "afnamedatum_2-1" "isolaat_1-1"
"isolaat_2-1" "alarmniveau_1-1" "alarmniveau_2-1"
This result is ok, but I rather have the colnames formed like specimen_isolate_no_variable, eg 1-1_alarmniveau.
In order to achieve this, I tried
molten <- melt(df, id.vars = c("SN", "specimen_isolate_no"))
dfmolton <- dcast(molten, SN ~ specimen_isolate_no + variable)
df %>%
gather(key, value, -SN, -specimen_isolate_no) %>%
unite(new.col, c(specimen_isolate_no,key )) %>%
spread(new.col, value)
But both options mess up my dates and I don't know how to fix that.
[1] "SN" "1-1_isolaat" "1-1_materiaal_lokatie" "1-1_alarmniveau" "1-1_afnamedatum" "2-1_isolaat" "2-1_materiaal_lokatie" "2-1_alarmniveau" "2-1_afnamedatum"
[1] "17286" "17895"
So my question: does anyone how to change the forming of colnames using dcast?
As Frank mentioned, there's an outstanding feature request for this... side note: please add reactions to FRs you'd like, we use this to some extent to steer development time:
In the meantime, you can just use setnames
and some regexing to do this:
old = grep('SN', names(df.wide), value = TRUE, invert = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
new = sapply(strsplit(old, '_', fixed = TRUE), function(x) paste(rev(x), collapse = '_'))
setnames(df.wide, old, new)