So based on my searches this has been a long-standing bug on iOS/Apple’s end. As of yet I haven’t been able to confirm a workaround so would like to see if I’m up to speed on this.
I incorporated a new favicon on my site with the help of realfavicongenerator, and it’s showing up everywhere except Safari iOS where a faulty cache seems to force the old image to show when the site is favorited or bookmarked. Adding to homescreen works fine, MacOS favoriting/bookmarking works fine, Safari iOS doesn’t.
I remember having a similar issue when incorporating the first apple-touch-icon a few years ago, also using realfavicongenerator: when favoriting/bookmarking in Safari iOS the icon was empty instead of showing the image. Eventually it showed up but I don’t recall how or exacty when, but it definitely took a lot longer than it should have.
I’ve obviously tried clearing cache and website data/history through Safari settings, restarting my phone, appending a variable to the apple-touch-icon URL, using both absolute and relative paths, and tinkering with different image size specifications, none of which worked.
I saw a suggestion somewhere that resetting the phone may work, but my question in that scenario is what exactly to reset and whether this would compromise other data.
Are there any workarounds/fixes I’m not aware of?
I’m using an iPhone 7 with iOS 12.2. The code being used is straight from what realfavicongenerator provides.
New favicon showed up today, with no intervention on my part (versioning had also been removed). Not sure why. Guess it may be due to a time interval.