I have the following ansible playbook that writes the content of the variable "hello" as a message (I got this code from an example online). I tried modifying it so it would write this to a local file however I got an error. The modified code and error message are below:
original code (successful):
- hosts: all
hello: world
- name: Ansible Basic Variable Example
msg: "{{ hello }}"
modified code (unsuccessful):
- hosts: all
hello: world
- name: Ansible Basic Variable Example
- local_action: copy content={{hello}} dest=~/ansible_logfile
msg: "{{ hello }}"
error message:
ERROR! no action detected in task. This often indicates a misspelled module name, or incorrect module path.
The error appears to have been in '/space/mathewLewis/towerCodeDeploy/playBooks/test.yml': line 5, column 5, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: Ansible Basic Variable Example
^ here
I would like to know how to write a variable to a file correctly
It's a simple syntax error.
A Task is an entry in the list of tasks, which in YAML is designated by a -
Task names are optional in Ansible.
Both copy
and debug
are modules, which are supposed to be a task's "action".
What the error message is telling you is that the task with name: Ansible Basic Variable Example
does not have an action, which is because your local_action
is a separate task, indicated by a -
Fixing your example with appropriate names for the tasks:
- name: Write variable to file
local_action: copy content="{{hello}}" dest=~/ansible_logfile
- name: Output the variable
msg: "{{ hello }}"