Is there a way to specify the signature of the method to which I want to apply the eta expansion?
For example:
val tupleNum = (1L,2L)
case class CaseClass(a:String, b:String)
object CaseClass {
def apply(a: Long, b: Long): CaseClass = new CaseClass(s"${a}", s"${b}")
println( (CaseClass.apply _).tupled(tupleNum) )
Throws the compilation error:
Error:(9, 29) ambiguous reference to overloaded definition,
both method apply in object CaseClass of type (a: String, b: String)CaseClass
and method apply in object CaseClass of type (a: Long, b: Long)CaseClass
match expected type ?
println( (CaseClass.apply _).tupled(tupleNum) )
BTW: Is eta expansion the right term for the use of _?
This here compiles and runs just fine (weird indentation to avoid :paste
case class C(a: String, b: String); object C {
def apply(a: Long, b: Long): C = C(s"$a", s"$b")
val t = (1L, 2L)
println((C.apply(_: Long, _: Long)).tupled(t))
or rather
println((C(_: Long, _: Long)).tupled(t))