I tried get(selected values) query in mongodb.that query in working fine in mongodb shell .but I tried to run node js it not working it showing all data.how to fix it.
db.collection('olc_prod_db_category').find({name: { $nin:['DISCONTINUE', 'LIQUOR MINI']}},{ "_id": 0}).toArray()
Expected ouput:
{ "id" : 3, "name" : "IRISH WHISKEY", "hasSubCategory" : "false", "parentId" : "30" }
but I got this output:
"_id": "5b4efd6fd53be829188070ca",
"id": 3,
"name": "IRISH WHISKEY",
"hasSubCategory": "false",
"parentId": "30"
Use .project
cursor method
{ name: { $nin:['DISCONTINUE', 'LIQUOR MINI']}}
).project({ _id: 0 }).toArray()