Suppose there is a Scala case-class Point
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)
One can use a wildcard for matching:
val p = new Point(1,2)
val inRightHalfPlane = p match {
case Point(x, _) if x>0 => true
case _ => false
However, if the number of members increase, one will need to use more wildcards _
case class Point(
x0: Int,
x1: Int,
x2: Int,
x3: Int,
x4: Int,
val flag = p match {
case Point(x,_,_,_,_,) if x>0 => true
Is there any syntax sugar like the following code?
val flag = p match {
case Point(x0=x) if x>0 => true
You can define custom unapply
case class Point(
x0: Int,
x1: Int,
x2: Int,
x3: Int,
x4: Int,
object PositiveFirst {
def unapply(p: Point): Option[Int] = if (p.x0 > 0) Some(p.x0) else None
val p: Point = ???
val flag = p match {
case PositiveFirst(x) => true
// ......