I have two sets of points with their latitudes and longitudes, and I want to calculate the pairwise distance between them. This works when the two lists are small:
from geopy.distance import distance
c1 = [(-34.7102, -58.3853),
(-32.9406, -60.7136),
(-34.6001, -58.3729),
(-38.9412, -67.9948),
(-35.1871, -59.0968)]
c2 = [(-43.2568, -65.2853),
(-31.4038, -64.1645),
(-34.7634, -58.2120),
(-34.4819, -58.5828),
(-34.5669, -58.4515),
(-34.6356, -68.369),
(-34.4048, -58.6896)]
distances = []
for c in c1:
this_row = [distance(c, x).meters for x in c2]
However, the actual lengths of c1
and c2
are 50000 and 15000, respectively. When I run the above script with my real data, it takes forever. I'm looking for something efficient, such as
distances = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(c1, c2)
This is very fast, but the function returns the results in a unit that is not specified as far as I know. I'm looking for results in meters.
Is there any way to rewrite the first script in a more efficient way?
I considered some options. Here's what I learnt, hope this helps:
It seems to accept a callable as metric
parameter, but I think a custom function will get things slow as well.
It has a builtin haversine
Anyway, I didn't manage to well understand how to get things working, but I'm sure you'll find a way. Moreover, they claim that, for many metrics, DistanceMetric.pairwise
will be slower than scipy.cdist
The only acceptable solution I found implies a projection like aeqd of your coordinates on a 2D plane (I'm going to use pyproj
for this).
This allows you to use scipy.cdist
on projected points and get things faster, but it will get less precise on pairs too far from a lat_0, lon_0
coordinate used as a reference for aeqd
projection (maybe a different projection, or some workaround can solve this).
I posted results from your loop and projection for comparison.
import numpy as np
import pyproj
import scipy
from geopy.distance import distance
c1 = np.array(
[(-34.7102, -58.3853),
(-32.9406, -60.7136),
(-34.6001, -58.3729),
(-38.9412, -67.9948),
(-35.1871, -59.0968)]
c2 = np.array(
[(-43.2568, -65.2853),
(-31.4038, -64.1645),
(-34.7634, -58.2120),
(-34.4819, -58.5828),
(-34.5669, -58.4515),
(-34.6356, -68.369),
(-34.4048, -58.6896)]
# create projections, using a mean (lat, lon) for aeqd
lat_0, lon_0 = np.mean(np.append(c1[:,0], c2[:,0])), np.mean(np.append(c1[:,1], c2[:,1]))
proj = pyproj.Proj(proj='aeqd', lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0, x_0=lon_0, y_0=lat_0)
WGS84 = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326')
# transform coordinates
projected_c1 = pyproj.transform(WGS84, proj, c1[:,1], c1[:,0])
projected_c2 = pyproj.transform(WGS84, proj, c2[:,1], c2[:,0])
projected_c1 = np.column_stack(projected_c1)
projected_c2 = np.column_stack(projected_c2)
# calculate pairwise distances in km with both methods
sc_dist = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(projected_c1, projected_c2)
geo_distances = []
for c in c1:
this_row = [distance(c, x).km for x in c2]
[[1120.68384362 652.43817992 16.93436992 31.1480337 17.02161533
914.68158465 43.91751967]
[1212.75267066 367.46344647 307.41739698 261.2734859 276.57111944
733.44881488 248.25303017]
[1131.82744423 646.91757042 23.36452322 23.31086804 8.09877062
916.39849619 36.27486327]
[ 531.58906215 906.44775882 987.23837525 974.96389103 979.98229079
479.75111318 971.51078808]
[1042.57374645 631.42752409 93.47695658 91.28419725 90.64134205
849.25121659 94.46063802]]
[[1120.50400287 652.32406273 16.93254254 31.1392657 17.01619952
914.66757909 43.9058496 ]
[1212.7494454 367.3591636 307.3468806 261.21313155 276.50708156
733.28119124 248.19563872]
[1131.65345927 646.79571942 23.35783766 23.30613446 8.09745879
916.38027748 36.26700778]
[ 530.49964531 905.85826336 987.20594883 974.95078113 979.96382386
478.97343089 971.50158032]
[1042.44765568 631.37206038 93.47402012 91.2737422 90.63359193
849.24940173 94.44779778]]