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Render React component in Preact?

I try to use Preact for most of my projects but now I have a requirement to use a React component. I don't want this to require me to switch frameworks. Is there anything I can do to render the React component from my Preact code?


  • Preact provides a compatibility layer called preact-compat.

    You can use your module bundler to alias react and react-dom imports to use preact-compat, and this should allow you to use React code in your Preact app unmodified.

    Here is a Webpack example, taken from the preact-compat docs:

        // ...
        resolve: {
            alias: {
                'react': 'preact-compat',
                'react-dom': 'preact-compat',
                // Not necessary unless you consume a module using `createClass`
                'create-react-class': 'preact-compat/lib/create-react-class',
                // Not necessary unless you consume a module requiring `react-dom-factories`
                'react-dom-factories': 'preact-compat/lib/react-dom-factories'
        // ...

    Edit: As noted by @pmkro in the comments, from Preact 10.0 onwards, preact-compat is being moved back into the core preact package, and will be available via preact/compat.