Suppose I have an attached property "Attached.Template" of type DataTemplate in namespace ns that I wish to set on my UserControl through XAML. Is there a syntax that lets me do this? Here are some things that do not work:
<!-- fails; UserControl may have only one child -->
<DataTemplate />
<Grid />
<!-- fails; the '(' character cannot be included in a name -->
<DataTemplate />
<Grid />
<!-- fails; "UserControl.ns" is an undeclared prefix -->
<DataTemplate />
<Grid />
The property definition is very standard; just following R#'s built-in template:
public static class Attached
public static readonly DependencyProperty TemplateProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
"Template", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(Attached),
new PropertyMetadata(default(DataTemplate)));
public static void SetTemplate(DependencyObject element, DataTemplate value) =>
element.SetValue(TemplateProperty, value);
public static DataTemplate GetTemplate(DependencyObject element) =>
(DataTemplate) element.GetValue(TemplateProperty);
It seems you have to explicitly set the UserControl's Content
like this:
This also works:
IMO a weird bug or imperfection in the XAML Parser.