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How to create a validation rule referencing two lookups

I would like to create a validation rule or similar that controls if a record already exists with the same two lookup values, that the start date has to be the day after the end date of the previous record. Each lookup has a total of 28 combinations so A - b,c,d,e,f,g. B -a,c,d,e,g,g etc

There is also a master-detail relationship with another field which has to be the same value for the above relationship.

I'm struggling to come up with the rule.


  • Here is a sketch of what your trigger will do

    trigger YourTrigger on ObjectWithLookups__c(before insert) {
        Set<Id> idsForLookupA = new Set<Id>();
        Set<Id> idsForLookipB = new Set<Id>();
        for (ObjectWithLookups__c record : {
        List<ObjectWIthLookups__c> existingRecords = [
            SELECT Id, LookupA, LookupB
            FROM ObjectWithLookups
            WHERE LookupA IN :idsForLookupA
            AND LookupB IN :idsForLookupB
        Set<String> uniquePairs = new Set<String>();
        for (ObjectWithLookups__c existingRecord : existingRecords) {
            uniquePairs.add(existingRecord.LookupA + '-' + existingRecord.LookupB);
        for (ObjectWithLookup__c newRecord : {
            if (uniquePairs.contains(newRecord.LookupA + '-' + newRecord.LookupB)) {
                newRecord.addError('This combination already exists');

    You'll have to modify it for your objects/fields, and this should also follow the trigger/handler pattern