I have a google sheet that I am inserting/updating the values of based on the results of some API calls I am making in a python script.
Following the gspread documentation, I'm currently fetching the range from the sheet, then updating the values, then writing it back.
But I don't care about the values in the sheet, I would rather write blindly to it - saving me precious API read quota.
Is there a way I can write to the cells without reading them first?
I've googled around for anyone having the same problem and I can't find anywhere that tells me how I can do this (or even if I can at all)
Current code:
(rowData is the data I have gathered previously in the python script that I now want to write to the gsheet)
rowToUpdate = sheet.range("A"+str(index)+":Q"+str(index))
except Exception as e:
print("Couldn't fetch rowToUpdate, error message was: ")
for cell, value in zip(rowToUpdate, rowData):
cell.value = value
Ideally I would just do something like:
for cell, value in zip(rowToUpdate, rowData):
cell.value = value
You could do it using the Sheetfu library (I'm the author): https://github.com/socialpoint-labs/sheetfu
The following code will just set the values without actually getting the values first:
from sheetfu import SpreadsheetApp as sa
spreadsheet = sa('path/to/secret.json').open_by_id('<insert spreadsheet id here>')
sheet = spreadsheet.get_sheet_by_name('<insert the sheet name here>')
# make sure your data is already in a 2D matrix form
input_data = [[1,2], [3,4]]
data_range = sheet.get_range(
This code will not query the sheet and gets the current values. It will only set the values using your data.