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How to setup the baseurl for nunjucks

I want to deploy the site to different servers for testing, production etc. So defining a basepath by changing one variable or setting would be the prefered method. What is the best method to implement this?

Currently I have set a variable in layout file as follows.

{% set siteBaseurl = '/demo' %}

It is used everywhere else I define paths as follows

<img src="{{ siteBaseurl }}/images/logo.png" />


  • I found the perfect solution. As mentioned in the gulp-nunjucks-render package you can parse variables to the template via gulp task. Using dotenv you can get it from a single configuration file. Here's how I set it up




    const nunjucksData = {
        baseurl: process.env.BASEURL
    gulp.task('nunjucks', function () {
        // Gets .html and .nunjucks files in pages
        return gulp.src('app/pages/**/*.+(html|njk|nunj|nunjucks)')
            // Renders template with nunjucks
                data: nunjucksData,
                path: ['app/templates/'] // String or Array
            .pipe(gulpif(isProd, htmlmin()))
            // output files in app folder


    <img src="{{ baseurl }}/images/logo.png" />

    Hope this helps