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Vue.js v-for each object text with in an array or objects

I want to list out the text that is inside an array containing objects. I dont seem to be able to work out how to address this I can get close...

for example

      <li v-for="(value, index) in otherclients" v-bind:key="index">
        DATA = {{ value.doc.notes }}

import { mapState } from 'vuex'

export default {
  name: 'Viewer',
  computed: mapState({
    otherclients: state => state.otherclients

<style lang="css" scoped></style>

will output

  • DATA = [ { "id": "w5fpn80fnnf5nxdj9f1n1i", "text": "Welcome new device mydoc_android", "owner": "YOU", "deleted": false }, { "id": "w5fpn80fnnf5nxdj9f1wwwn1i", "text": "android 2", "owner": "YOU", "deleted": false } ]
  • DATA = [ { "id": "c1ds7zqd7tcgig0b1xs1q", "text": "Welcome new device mydoc_ios", "owner": "YOU", "deleted": false }, { "id": "nf5nxdj9f1dwwen1iw5fpn80fn", "text": "More Text", "owner": "YOU", "deleted": false } ]

but what I want is

  • Welcome new device mydoc_android
  • android 2
  • Welcome new device mydoc_ios
  • More Text

But I cant seem to work out the best way to access into this final layer. Any pointers appricaited. This is part of a bigger project so structure is set for state.otherclients and quite complex.


  • Use nested for loop with template tag

          <template v-for="(value, index) in otherclients">
             <li v-for="(note, note_index) in value.doc.notes">{{note.text}}</li>

    var app = new Vue({
     el: '#app',
        {doc:{notes:[ { "id": "w5fpn80fnnf5nxdj9f1n1i", "text": "Welcome new device mydoc_android", "owner": "YOU", "deleted": false }, { "id": "w5fpn80fnnf5nxdj9f1wwwn1i", "text": "android 2", "owner": "YOU", "deleted": false } ]}},
        {doc:{notes:[ { "id": "c1ds7zqd7tcgig0b1xs1q", "text": "Welcome new device mydoc_ios", "owner": "YOU", "deleted": false }, { "id": "nf5nxdj9f1dwwen1iw5fpn80fn", "text": "More Text", "owner": "YOU", "deleted": false } ]}},
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="app">
          <template v-for="(value, index) in otherclients">
            <li v-for="(note, note_index) in value.doc.notes">{{note.text}}</li>