I'm trying to create an web application using Vue.js. My project is built using Vue-Cli 3 and has the following structure:
- first
- Base.vue (*)
- refer
- less
- user
- register.less (*)
- store
- views
What I'm trying to do is to import register.less
file on to Base.vue
Below is the code used in Base.vue
<style lang="less>
@import "../report/report.less";
If I try to run a server using npm run serve
the following error is thrown:
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/less-loader/dist/cjs.js):
@import "../report/report.less";
Can't resolve '../report/report.less' in 'C:\Users\user\my_project\src\components\first'
in C:\Users\user\my_project\src\components\first\Base.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang=less& (line 95, column 0)
I'm guessing this error is saying that I'm using the wrong path for importing the less file. But I can't figure out how to fix it...
Please have a take a look... Thanks.
You are guessing right. The path must be relative. In your case you must go up one level still (via ..
). Use:
<style lang="less>
@import "../../refer/less/user/register.less";