I am trying out the example snippet titled "Adding client-side functionality" from the following page :
It looks a bit outdated and doesn't compile as is, so based on the original repository where that code was snipped from, this is what I have now.
namespace TestSuaveWs
open WebSharper
open WebSharper.Sitelets
open WebSharper.UI
open WebSharper.UI.Html
open WebSharper.UI.Client
module Server =
let DoWork (s: string) =
async {
return System.String(List.ofSeq s |> List.rev |> Array.ofList)
module Client =
open WebSharper.JavaScript
open WebSharper.Html.Client
let Main () =
let input = Input [ Attr.Value "" ]
let output = H1 []
Div [
Button [ Text "Send" ]
|>! OnClick (fun _ _ ->
async {
let! data = Server.DoWork input.Value
output.Text <- data
|> Async.Start
HR []
H4 [ Class "text-muted" ] -- Text "The server responded:"
Div [ Class "jumbotron" ] -< [ output ]
module TheSite =
open WebSharper.UI.Server
let MySite =
Application.SinglePage (fun ctx ->
Body = [
h1 [] [ text "Say Hi to the server" ]
div [] [ client <@ Client.Main() @> ]
open global.Suave
open Suave.Web
open WebSharper.Suave
let webPart = WebSharperAdapter.ToWebPart(MySite, RootDirectory="../..")
Then there's the main program.
namespace TestSuaveWs
module Main =
open System
open System.Threading
open Suave
let main argv =
let cts = new CancellationTokenSource()
let conf = { defaultConfig with cancellationToken = cts.Token }
let listening, server = startWebServerAsync conf TheSite.webPart
Async.Start(server, cts.Token)
printfn "Make requests now"
Console.ReadKey true |> ignore
The program runs, and I can see the text "Say Hi to the server" on localhost:8080, but there is nothing below that text. A picture on the page with the example shows what it should look like. There's supposed to be a text input field, a button, and a reply text.
When I open Developer Tools in my Chrome browser, I can see that there's a bunch of similar messages, differing only in the javascript filename, that says "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 WebSharper.Main.min.js:1 (Not Found)"
There are no *.js files in the bin\Debug folder. I am running in VS 2019, with .NET Framework 4.7.1.
What am I missing?
I wasn't aware that this very example was available as a template named "WebSharper 4 Suave-hosted Site", which I only found after downloading and installing the WebSharper vsix. That template spun up a project doing exactly what I tried to achieve. So that's the answer. I wish this was hinted at in the documentation page.