The PyQt5 docs says
"New signals defined in this way will be automatically added to the class’s QMetaObject. This means that they will appear in Qt Designer"
How do I make anything appear in QtDesigner if it only knows how to open *.ui files, but not python files?
In my workflow I create ui-file with QtDesigner, then convert it to python using pyuic5
It is thus a one-way conversion (I then subclass it in another file to avoid my code being overwritten).
How do I make QtDesigner "see" my python code?
Qt Designer recognizes 2 types of elements:
The .ui that are the product,
And the plugins that are the ingredients.
So if you want a widget to be seen in Qt Designer you must create a plugin, if you download the source code in the folder examples/designer/plugins there is an example.
On the other hand there is no converter from .py to .ui since the transformation is not possible in all cases.