Search code examples

Conditional transpose using SAS

I have a dataset that looks like the following for multiple patients. I am trying to subtract each visit value from the baseline value of corresponding variables (which are sometimes missing).

Data Have: 
Patient Variable Value  Visit 
A       Height    100   Baseline
A       Weight     50   Baseline
A       HDCIRC     30   Baseline
A       BMI        50   Baseline
A       Height    100   a
A       Weight     50   a
A       HDCIRC     30   a
A       BMI        50   a
A       Height    100   b
A       Weight     50   b

Data Want: 
Patient Variable Value  Visit     BASELINE  Change 
A       Height    100   Baseline   100       0
A       Weight     50   Baseline   50        0
A       HDCIRC     30   Baseline   30        0
A       BMI        50   Baseline   50        0
A       Height    120   a          100       20
A       Weight     50   a          50        0
A       HDCIRC     30   a          30        0
A       BMI        34.7 a          50        -15.3
A       Height    150   b          100       50
A       Weight     51   b          50        1

My attempt would be to first create BASELINE and then calculate the change. In order to get BASELINE, I've seen some people use a lag or a dif function. How can I correctly create the BASELINE variable?

proc sort data=have;
by patient visit;

data want;
set have;
by patient visit;
difstamp = dif(visit);
if first.patient then do;
else dif=difstamp;
drop difstamp;

proc sort data=want;
by timestamp;


  • As alternative you could simply merge have with itself

    data have;
    input Patient $ Variable $ Value Visit $;
    A       Height    100   Baseline
    A       Weight     50   Baseline
    A       HDCIRC     30   Baseline
    A       BMI        50   Baseline
    A       Height    120   a
    A       Weight     50   a
    A       HDCIRC     30   a
    A       BMI        34.7 a
    A       Height    150   b
    A       Weight     51   b
    proc sort;
     by patient variable;
    data want;
      merge have have(where=(__visit='Baseline') keep=patient variable value visit rename=(visit=__visit value=BASELINE))
      by patient variable;
      drop __:;