I need to write an automated test case (jasmine test) which will run in chrome with different resolutions for mobile and web view For example, it should automatically adjust the window size to W: 375 H: 678 when it is run in jasmine Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find a solution to do this
it('It should set sizes according to mobile', async(() => {
//below code is not working
//browser.manage().window().setSize(375, 678);
let innerHeight = window.innerHeight;
neither it won't work following code
window.resizeTo(375, 678);
finally i was able to find an answer for this
it can be done by installing npm install karma-viewport
This will expose the global variable viewport to tests, which allows setting the dimensions of the viewport
need to config viewport sizes in karma.conf.js as follow
// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
frameworks: ["viewport"]
// Viewport configuration
viewport: {
breakpoints: [
name: "mobile",
size: {
width: 320,
height: 480
name: "tablet",
size: {
width: 768,
height: 1024
name: "screen",
size: {
width: 1440,
height: 900
then in spec file you can access the screen sizes
it('should load the mobile view ', () => {