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How to do nested selections selectInput() in RMarkdown with Shiny?

In a snippet of code below from my RMarkdown \ flexdashboard code with shiny , I need to modify the choices for the second selectInput() function, based on the selection made at the first selectInput() function.

selectInput('theme', 'Select theme:',
            choices = c(dtThemes$Theme %>% unique()))  

selectInput('question', 'Select Question:', 
            choices = c(dtQuestions$Question %>% unique())) # This works
            #choices = strQuestions)  # This does not work

strQuestions <- reactive({
    nQuestions <- dtThemes[Theme == input$theme, Q2018]
    dtQuestions[nQuestion %in% nQuestions, strQuestion]

How do I do that?

Encapsulating code inrenderUI() did not help:

    selectInput('question', 'Select Question:', 
                strQuestions(), width="100%") 


  • I've further studied this post: Create reactive selectInput - flexdashboard with Shiny and was able to figure out how to make my code work:

    selectInput('theme', 'Select theme:',
                choices = c("All", dt$Theme %>% unique()), selected="All")
    dt.subset<- reactive({
        if (input$theme=="All") {
          dt[Theme == input$theme]
        selectInput('question', 'Select Question:', 
                    choices = (dt.subset()$Question ) %>% unique(), 
                    selected =  ( (dt.subset()$Question ) %>% unique() )[1]) 

    The trick is that you need to have a default selected value. Otherwise,the code crashes.

    Note also I'musing data.table for dt.