I want every user to have a default profile image when they register. This image will have initial letter of their First Name and Last Name.
I made a plain image with a single color, I then tried to write text on it using Intervention Image. It works, but font size is too small I can't increase it. I don't know what's the max font size in Intervention, as documentation says nothing about it.
I also tried with different font, put the font in a font folder and I refer it in $font->file('font/Poppins.ttf')
. It throws an error 'Undefined Offset'
protected function create(array $data)
$img = Image::make('storage/avatars/1.jpg');
$img->text('HW', 125, 80, function ($font) {
$filename = time().'.'.'jpg';
$img->resize(150, 150)->save('storage/avatars/'.$filename);
return User::create([
'firstname' => $data['firstname'],
'lastname' => $data['lastname'],
'email' => $data['email'],
'password' => Hash::make($data['password']),
'avatar' => $filename,
I have a default image which has only red color as background. Whenever a person register he must have this image as default profile picture with his First Name and Last Name's initial letters on it.
You are not giving the correct path to the font.ttf file
change this
to this