I want to create a snippet in VSCode that display the PHP arrow. When I press the key "²" then TAB I want the PHP arrow "->".
Here is my snippet code
"PHP arrow": {
"prefix": "²",
"body": "->$0",
"description": "PHP Arrow ->"
It works fine when there is nothing around the "²" char but when I write some code like
the snippet is not triggered
What can I do ?
Thank you and have a nice day :)
PS: The ² char is oem_7 in VSCode
I don't know what keystrokes you are using to insert the superscript ². But if you are trying to use it as a snippet at the end of a word try making a keybinding instead.
VSCode has no way of knowing whether that ² is intended to be part of a word or not.
Try this in your keybindings.json - not in a snippet file:
"key": "2",
"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
"when": "resourceExtname == .php",
"args": {
"snippet": "->$0"
Typing $this2
yields $this->
Obviously you will have to replace the 2
key above with whatever you want to use. Now you can use the snippet as part of a word or at the end of a word without any necessary word boundary.