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Insert statement never works, no matter how many different types I try. Sqlite3 pyscripter

I have been trying to work out how to insert into a SQL table for days. Nothing I try ever works and I just spent hours fixing all the errors, to find that I am back to the start where the insert statement doesnt insert anything. I only have a couple of hours left and I cant do anything else with my code until this is fixed, thanks.

I dont understand at all what is wrong, and there isnt any errors anymore. It just prints out the table without anything in it. I would like it to print out the inputs which I have (They are defined in the full code and I have checked they do work and print)

def insert_user():
    import sqlite3
    score = "0"
    db = sqlite3.connect("Database.db")
    cursor = db.cursor()
    sql = "INSERT INTO users (username,firstname, surname, age, password , score) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"
    db.execute(sql,(usernamei, first_name ,last_name , age, passwordi ,score))
    result = cursor.fetchall()
    print("{0:<20} {1:<20} {2:<20} {3:<20} {4:<20} {5:<20}".format("userID","username","firstname","surname","age","password","score"))
    for each in result:
            print("{0:<20} {1:<20} {2:<20} {3:<20} {4:<20} {5:<20}".format(each[1],each[2],each[3],each[4],each[5],each[6]))



  • When you INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE a Cursor is not used. To get data from a table you use (execute) SELECT SQL, the cursor will then contain the result set.

    So you need to do the INSERTS and then execute a SELECT e.g. using "SELECT * FROM users" and then use result = cursor.fetchall().

    instead of executing against the connection you execute against the cursor.

    Something like (for testing the table is dropped and created and hard coded values are used (obviously adjust accordingly)):-

    def insert_user():
        import sqlite3
        score = "0"
        db = sqlite3.connect("Database.db")
        sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users"
        sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (userID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT UNIQUE, firstname TEXT, surname TEXT, age INTEGER, password TEXT, score INTEGER)"
        result = db.cursor()
        sql = "INSERT INTO users (username,firstname, surname, age, password , score) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"
        db.execute(sql,("testusername", "testfirstname","testsurname" , 10, "password" ,score))
        result.execute("SELECT * FROM users")
        print("{0:<20} {1:<20} {2:<20} {3:<20} {4:<20} {5:<20} {6:<20}".format("userID","username","firstname","surname","age","password","score"))
        for each in result:
                print("{0:<20} {1:<20} {2:<20} {3:<20} {4:<20} {5:<20} {6:20}".format(each[0],each[1],each[2],each[3],each[4],each[5],each[6]))

    Results in :-

    E:\PYCharmPythonProjects\venv\Scripts\python.exe E:/PYCharmPythonProjects/
    userID               username             firstname            surname              age                  password             score  
    1                    testusername         testfirstname        testsurname          10                   password                     0
    Process finished with exit code 0