I installed 4 Spotfire servers in my company which is in a cluster environment. I've got an error when I tried to install my 5th Spotfire server which is also on a cluster environment. I went through the same procedure as previous when I installing the 5th Spotfire server.
I can log in to Spotfire server but it shows a yellow warning saying I/O error and connection failure with other Spotfire servers. port shows as 0/0 in nodes and services.
Error notice is like this in the spotfire admin console
I/O error on POST request for "https://<server>:0/spotfire/nodemanager/ping/<id>":"
connect to <server>:443 connected time out;
nested exception is org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTImeoutException:Connect to <server>:443 failed:connect timed out attempt communicate with node was unsucessful.
and in the server log, it shows like this
WARN [*Initialization*] jazelcast.instance.DefaultAddressPicker:[Local][<id>][3.4]Could not find a maching address to start with! Picking one of non-loopback addresses.
WARN[*Initialization*] nodemanager.control.TopologyInspector:Exception when commnunicating with <server> I/O error on post request for <server>
by the way, All of them share same repository DB and I can telnet from my other Spotfire servers to my 5th Spotfire server. I would be really grateful if you can give me a solution. Thank you.
you should raise a ticket with TIBCO Support. Spotfire gets a bit weird with more than four instances in a cluster. Support can help troubleshoot further for your specific needs.
but anecdotally, you are probably overdoing it. I've never seen a deployment with more than four servers in a cluster. you will be better off adding CPU and memory.
edit: just as aside, especially when posting about architecture issues like this (I assume this kind of question is OK on StackOverflow?), it's really helpful to include the version and hotfix of the product that you're working with. I don't think it matters for this question, but if you post more in the future, please do include this information :)