I'm trying to implement filter pipe on multiple value on multiple attribute in a table.
I'm able to filter multiple value on one attribute. But I'm not able to do it for multiple values of multiple attributes.
My pipe filter implementation for multiple value in a single attribute,
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
name: 'vFilter',
pure: false
export class VFilterPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(vList: any[], vfilter?: any): any {
if (!vList|| !Object.keys(vfilter).length) {
return vList;
return vList.filter(item => {
for (let key in vfilter) {
for(let value in vfilter[key]){
if ((item[key] === undefined || item[key] == vfilter[key][value]))
return true;
return false;
return false;
My input array is given ,
vList = [{'name':'jack','age':'25'},{'name':'sam','age':'25'},{'name':'smith','age':'25'},{'name':'jack','age':'28'}]
vfilter = {'name':['jack','sam'],'age':['25']}
I expect the output like the one below after filtering,
vList = [{'name':'jack','age':'25'},{'name':'sam','age':'25'}]
But I'm getting the below result,
vList = [{'name':'jack','age':'25'},{'name':'sam','age':'25'},{'name':'jack','age':'28'}]
can anyone help me on solving this logical problem.
Your code logic bug is that you are returning true
if any of the filters match when you want to only return true if all the filters match.
transform(vList: any[], vfilter?: any): any {
if (!vList || !Object.keys(vfilter).length) {
return vList;
return vList.filter(item => {
return Object.keys(vfilter)
.filter(_ => vfilter.hasOwnProperty(_))
.every(key => {
if(!item[key]) return true; // matches undefined value
const arrayValues = vfilter[key] as any[];
return arrayValues.some(_ => _ === item[key]);