in Vue I am trying to use the result from a method as the source for an image:
<img :src="getEnergyIcon(type)">
data() {
return {
energyTypeMap: new Map([
methods: {
return this.energyTypeMap.get(type.toLowerCase());
The method returns the correct path, but the image doesn't use that path as the source:
I want the result to be the same as the hardcoded result, but I want to achieve this by using the method, because I am going to use dynamic data that gives me one of the 11 types, I cannot use hardcoded paths.
I have been Googling around to find a solution but I can't find a solution that uses a direct method as a source for the image. How do I do this?
Thanks in advance.
Found this topic:
How to reference static assets within vue javascript
That mentioned the following:
In a Vue regular setup, /assets is not served.
The images become src="..." strings, instead.
And required me to use:
Which I did like this:
data() {
return {
card: {},
energyTypeMap: new Map([
It has solved my problem.