Is there any equivalent to below MYSQL query in MongoDB?
update table_name1 as a
join table_name2 as b
on a.uniqueid=b.uniqueid
set a.column1=b.column1,a.column2=b.column2 ;
lookup might be a possible solution but don't know how to use it for updating.
You can do something like this,
db.table1.find({}).forEach(function (t1) { // foreach on table one
var t2 = db.table2.findOne({ uniqueid: t1.uniqueid},
{ column1: 1,column2:1 }); // finding unique id of table1 with table2
if (t2 != null) { // checking if not null
t1.column1 = t2.column1; // assigning tabl2's value to table1; // save it
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